Kyra de Jongh is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer at one of the biggest gyms in the South of Holland. As a CrossFit trainer, she is dedicated to helping others change their lives. What personally has changed her lifestyle and improved her CrossFit journey is taking on a vegan lifestyle.
Hello everyone! My name is Kyra de Jongh, I am a brand ambassador for Body&Fit, alongside being a vegan crossfitter and weightlifter. At Body&Fit we believe it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle, so I want to share how I keep my mind and body healthy. Join me on my journey.
In celebration of International Women’s day, this month is about you as a woman, about you as a person. It's about your goals and your progress. By that I mean that you shouldn't look at what others are doing, it's about you. You can achieve anything you want if you go for it 100%. I often hear that CrossFit or weightlifting is a men's sport. This is anything but true. It is a sport where you, as a woman, can set a PR (personal record) in lifting and pursue or even crush your goals.
Nowadays more and more women are getting involved with CrossFit or weightlifting and I think this is great. I love to see this. I hope that we can compete against each other in a wod (workout of the day), but I also hope that we can motivate each other to tackle those PR’s. See every workout as a workout to get stronger, faster and better. Focus on yourself and not others.
What is very important to me is my morning routine. I try to get up at the same time every day. I start my day with a nice breakfast. Most of the time this is a smoothie with fruit, oats, plant-based milk and of course vegan perfection from Body&Fit.
After my breakfast, I put on my sports clothes and start with 30 minutes of stretching exercises or yoga. After this my breakfast doesn’t feel so heavy and I’m ready for a nice home workout. It doesn't matter how long your workout is, every workout counts! After my workout I take a nice shower and then I have the whole day ahead of me. This is how I start my day healthy, fit and fresh.
For tomorrow I have a nice home workout for you. All you need is a jumping rope and a wall.
-5 rounds for time
-5 HSPU / wall walks
-10 jumping lunges
-15 push-ups
-20 air squats
When you are done you go directly into:
The Crossfit Girls WOD: “Annie” 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Double unders (or double reps single unders)
Butterfly sit-ups Your score is the total time.
Good luck!