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4 home exercises for arms

The arms are the showpieces of a well-trained body. Of course you will not get big biceps and triceps by lying on the couch, so let's workout! You don't even have to leave your house to make this dream come true. We have put together four fun exercises for you, all you have to do is perform them three to four times a week. It can be that simple!


Biceps curl with 3-piece expander set

We will start with the bicep curl. With this exercise you mainly train your biceps, the two-headed upper arm muscle at the front of your arm. In addition, you train your forearms with it, which is not unimportant for well-proportioned arms and for good grip. We use the Body & Fit 3-piece expander set for resistance.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the center of the resistance band under your feet. Make sure you are standing firm and upright with the longest resistance band anchored under your feet. Grab the handles of the resistance band in each hand. Keep your arms along your sides, palms facing forward. Now bend your arm by bringing your forearm toward you (in an upward direction), but keep your upper arm straight along your side. Return to the starting position by lowering your forearm in a controlled way. After this you can do the same movement with your other arm. Make sure that your back is always straight during the performance!


Three sets of fifteen reps per arm. While one arm is active, the other rests. This equates to approximately 30 seconds of rest per arm.


Hammer curl with 3-piece expander set

After the bicep curl comes the hammer curl. This exercise is a real killer for the biceps and the forearms. In contrast to the previous exercise, you rotate your wrists with the hammer curl, by doing this you will target a number of muscles that you did not even know you had.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the center of the longest resistance band under your feet. Make sure you are standing firm and upright with the resistance band anchored under your feet. Grab the band under the handles with each hand. Keep your arms straight, hands at hip level, wrists turned so your knuckles are facing out (supinated) and together in front of your body. Now bend your arms at the same time by bringing your forearms toward you (in an upward direction), but keep your upper arms straight along your sides. Return to the starting position by lowering your underarms in a controlled way. Repeat the same movement by following the previous steps again. Make sure that your back is always straight during the performance!


Three sets of twenty reps. The rest between sets is 30 seconds.


Triceps stretcher

This is the first triceps exercise. The triceps are three muscles at the back of your upper arm. A well-trained tricep is shaped like a horseshoe. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the biceps, but the triceps that cover most of the upper arm. Not unimportant to pay sufficient attention to the triceps!


Hold the shortest resistance band with one hand behind your back. Now reach over your shoulder with your other arm and grab the other end of the resistance band. Slowly extend the upper elbow until the arm is fully extended. With the lower arm you keep the band tight. It is important that the lower arm and hand do not move! Return to the starting position by lowering your top arm (elbow bend), but keep this arm behind your head. Repeat the movement by following the previous steps again. Make sure that your back is always straight during the performance!


Three sets of fifteen reps per arm. While one arm is active, the other rests. This equates to approximately 30 seconds of rest per arm.


Triceps kickback

Last but not least: the triceps kickback. This is also an exercise for the triceps.


Attach the second longest resistance band to a door handle or to another sturdy object. Step back to create tension on the resistor cable. Step forward with one leg, keeping your knees bent. Keep your elbow at a 90 degree angle. In addition, it is important to keep the elbow pressed against your side during the entire exercise. Slowly push the affected arm back until the elbow is straight, palm facing up. Return to the starting position by allowing the front arm to come back to a 90 degree angle. Repeat this movement by following the previous steps again. It is important that the back remains in the same position throughout the exercise.


Three sets of fifteen reps per arm. While one arm is active, the other rests. This equates to approximately 30 seconds of rest per arm.


For the tough guys among us

Any exercise can be made heavier by performing it more slowly. In addition, you can increase the frequency by increasing the number of repetitions and / or the number of sets and / or you can shorten the rest. The resistance can be increased by using a shorter resistance cable, if possible. Make sure that your form is good at all times!

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